Effective DevOps

better quality code, delivered faster, more securely


DevOps is necessary...

…but there is so much to do already.
And they are all important too!

So, How Do You Optimize Your DevOps?

Handle it yourself

Works fine with little workload.Your dev team can jump between production and DevOps.....but the moment you start growing, it stops being a viable option.

New staff

Finding skilled people isn't easy.
Training and onboarding staff is costly.
And even if you find the right fit for the position...you're still depending on one person!

Consultants and third-party

Perfect for those with hundreds of thousands in budgeting.And if you can't self-host and go for a third-party service......you're completely exposed to security and downtime risks, plus a bill happily handed to you.

"OK... So What Makes You So Different?"


We only win if you win. This is the base of a good partnership.You won't carry all the risk, we'll share it.


Our first priority is to get you results.Security, speed, cost optimization...Less talk, more action.


We don’t gatekeep knowledge. Everything is open-source and self-hosted so you have complete ownership.You control your infrastructure.


Specialization works.That's why we work with industries we know, so we can guarantee results.

Here's Why DevOps Is So Easy

Most dev teams think DevOps is hard, expensive, bespoke......and they couldn't be further from the truth.Watch how we break it all down and prove companies can do it the easy way.

OR 👉read the summary.

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Easy Ways Of Implementing DevSecOps

Feb 2024 • 3 min read

DevSecOps ain't that hard, and we discussed how easy it is to implement it during the DevOpsDays 2023 Boston event. Watch the breakdown of the process or read the summary below.

1. Complexity

The primary challenge in setting up an enterprise DevSecOps architecture is the complexity of integrating various components into a cohesive, secure, and scalable cloud environment.But there’s an easy way of tackling it: think of it as if assembling a multi-layered computing system……where each component serves a specific function yet must operate in harmony with others.We can describe a systematic approach to this complexity using this computer analogy:

Base Layer (DNS and Compute resources)

Comparable to the hardware in a computer setup, forming the foundational layer where all other services and operations are built upon.

Terraform as BIOS

Acts to initialize and configure the lower-level components into a unified system, similar to how BIOS configures hardware components of a computer.

Kubernetes as Kernel

Manages higher-level abstractions and operational tasks in the cloud, akin to an operating system's kernel handling system calls and resource management.

Application Layer

This top layer represents the user space in a computer system, where applications run independently of the underlying infrastructure complexities.

💡This structured analogy helps demystify the architecture, framing it as a scalable stack where components are abstracted yet interact seamlessly, mirroring the functional divisions within a traditional computer system.

2. Cost Implications

The cost of maintaining a robust cloud architecture can escalate quickly, particularly when relying on SaaS products and manual maintenance processes.Fortunately, you can adopt a strategic cost reduction through:

Adoption of Open-Source Software

By replacing SaaS with open-source alternatives, organizations can eliminate recurring license fees.For example, using open-source tools like Kubernetes for orchestration and Grafana for monitoring replaces expensive proprietary solutions.

Automation of Maintenance Tasks

Employing automation tools reduces the need for manual intervention, particularly in maintenance and support.Kubernetes automates the deployment and scaling of applications, while Terraform automates infrastructure provisioning and management.

💡It’s important to emphasize the financial logic behind these choices, noting that the initial investment in setting up and automating with open-source tools pays off by significantly reducing operational costs.

3. Bespoke

Each organization's needs are unique, yet building entirely bespoke solutions from scratch for each deployment is inefficient and costly.The use of Infrastructure as Code (IaC) for creating reusable, standardized templates addresses this challenge:

Modular IaC Templates

Terraform and Kubernetes allow the creation of modular templates that can be reused across different environments, reducing both time and the potential for error in deploying cloud infrastructures.

Generalization of DevSecOps Principles

By generalizing the setup processes, organizations can deploy a functionally consistent architecture across diverse environments, ensuring reliability while allowing for necessary customizations without reinventing the wheel.

💡This approach leverages the principles of both bespoke and standardized solutions, utilizing IaC to ensure that while the underlying principles and security postures remain consistent, they can be adapted to meet specific organizational needs efficiently.

Implementation Tools and Techniques

Technical tools and methodologies critical to implementing these solutions effectively:

Generalization of DevSecOps Principles

Utilizing Git repositories to manage configurations not only aids in version control but also ensures consistency and rollback capabilities across deployments.

CI/CD Pipelines

Integrating CI/CD systems like Tekton and Flux into the architecture automates the process from code commit to deployment, ensuring that updates are seamlessly pushed into production without manual gating.

Service Mesh for Enhanced Security

Using Istio as a service mesh introduces robust security features at the network level, implementing strong authentication and authorization policies automatically.

Advanced Observability with Grafana

Let’s underscore the importance of comprehensive monitoring and logging systems, facilitated by Grafana, to provide real-time insights into system performance and health.

In conclusion, this approach to DevSecOps emphasizes a blend of complexity management through structured modeling, cost efficiency through strategic tool selection, and efficiency in deployment via automation and standardization, all aimed at creating a secure, scalable, and financially sustainable cloud infrastructure.

We typically work with companies to implement these concepts and help them deliver quality code faster and at lower costs.

If that's something you would like to work on, then 👉let us know.

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If you haven't yet, take a look at our breakdown of how to easily implement DevSecOps.